Monday, March 8, 2010

Time Off

A lot can happen in a short period of time. Additionally even more can happen in a long period of time. Like the two weeks or so since I have gotten off my butt and posted. I spent a week of that time miserably sick and keeping ridiculous hours for a project at work that I didn’t have the option of ignoring. In the world of winter cycling, the ITI happened. And more apparent than ever is the fact that the White Mountains 100 is drawing close enough that there really isn’t much time left to prepare. I am not sure how I feel about that really. A week of struggling to breathe and hacking up copious amounts of lung butter generally doesn’t make you feel like you are in great shape. But then again, maybe many other racers aren’t feeling the awesomest as well. Paul and his wife rode the entire trail this weekend and promptly decided that they had done the race and were done. Later of course they realized that they wanted a t-shirt and would indeed be doing the race after all.

In the category of the rest of the world, a week off makes all the difference when it comes to light levels (in Fairbanks) necessary for commuting. Suddenly I am considering removing the flashies from my ride. While some folks will undoubtedly finish the WM100 in twelve hours (or maybe less), I plan to take a bit longer and will still need some personal lumens toward the end. I plan on doing the course this weekend as prep, but am still trying to find a companion for the trip.


spruceboy said...

12 hours seems pretty fast - the first 30 miles and the last 30 miles will be fast, but the middle 40 are going to be pretty slow on a bike. Has anyone run the course before in that sort of time?

Banger said...

I know of a pretty reputable 14 hour time that was done at a more leisurely pace. The individual in question figured that their race day time would be closer to 12 to 13 hours. Knowing that particular individual’s typical guesstimates, I am guessing 12.

spruceboy said...

A 12 hour time would be quite impressive - it will be neat to see if anyone can pull that off. Good luck with your prep run of the course - the trail is mostly in pretty good shape and it should be a pretty fun ride.